Kathryn's Justice Page 9
She parked two houses down from the apartment building. She noticed that although it was newer than the buildings she had been in recently, the front was lit by one overhead light on the front steps and the light that flooded out from a small vestibule.
Kathryn walked up two steps and pulled on the handle of the door. It opened. She stepped into the small vestibule. The locked mailboxes were on the wall to her left. To her right was a second door. She didn’t see any intercom system and pulled on the second door hoping it would open. It did. She walked into the main building and a larger entryway.
She had three choices. There was an elevator a few steps to her left, a long hall leading to apartments in front of her, and stairs just to her right.
Elevators could have cameras even though this building seems to be void of security. Stairs are good exercise. She thought as she turned to her right and climbed the stairs to the second floor and apartment twelve.
It was the second apartment on the right side of the dimly lit hallway, and she knocked hoping Greg was home.
She heard a middle-aged male voice call out, “Coming.” She heard footsteps hurrying to the door.
The door opened, and the man from the park stood two feet in front of her.
Relax Kathryn. Fight the urge to strangle him where he stands. Do this right.
She smiled and said, “Hi, I’m Shelly.” She continued with her pitch for the playground beautification and update.
“Hey, great, I’m all for playgrounds. My daughter loves them. I know I have some loose change somewhere. Come in while I look. They don’t heat the hallway in this building.”
Kathryn felt her stomach turn and her heart thump in her chest. She stepped in and closed the door.
She glanced around the apartment. Although it was a newer building, the owner obviously was not maintaining it properly. Kathryn hoped he didn’t have shared custody of his daughter.
He returned with a dollar bill. “No change, but I have a single. It should help if you get enough of them.”
“I’m grateful for any donation. Does your daughter live with you?”
Please don’t let there be a sleeping child somewhere in this apartment.
“No, not yet. Divorced. You know how it goes. We’re fighting over custody and visitation. I hope she’ll be here soon.” He smiled at Kathryn.
“That’s good. Every child needs a good dad.”
“Yeah,” he said. “She needs to be with me.”
Like hell, she needs to be safe, and you need to burn in hell. Incest is not acceptable under any circumstances and you should never have been born.
She forced herself to let her smile broaden. “Could I have a glass of water? I forgot my water bottle at home.”
“Sure thing. You live around here,” he asked as he walked into the kitchen.
“Over on Main near the hospital.” It was the only response she could think of on short notice. She was not about to share truthful information with him even if it was one of the last things he heard.
“I know where that is,” he said as he grabbed a glass from the cabinet. As he pulled the refrigerator door open, Kathryn pulled the trigger. This time the bullet found its mark exactly where Kathryn planned. A quick, easy temple shot.
Greg fell and still held the glass. It didn’t break. Kathryn walked over to his body watching the blood pour from the wound. A moment or two was all she needed to know he was dead. The blood ran down the kitchen floor toward the refrigerator.
Building must slope that way. I hope the floors don’t leak. I wish I could let Pam know the kids are safer, and she doesn’t need to worry. I suppose the news will pick this up eventually, and Pam will hear about it. She’ll feel safer, too.
Satisfied that Greg was dead, Kathryn hurried out of the apartment. She calmly walked down the stairs and waited for a moment before leaving. Not hearing any screams coming from the first-floor apartment let her know blood wasn’t dripping from anyone’s ceiling, at least not yet.
~ * ~
Kathryn, relieved the execution was over, felt the need for comfort food and her cozy robe. She pulled through a favorite burger place and ordered a cheeseburger, fries, and a hot fudge shake. She parked her car in a far corner of the lot and ate her meal. Hunger and the need for comfort food satisfied, Kathryn headed for home.
Twenty minutes later, she curled up on her couch pulling the mint green fuzzy robe around her and texted Nick. Her wet ponytail would dry on its own. Her need, to chat with Nick, was more important than her hair.
While waiting for Nick to text her back, the phone rang. She smiled. It was Nick.
“I wanted to hear your voice and not read your words,” his voice embraced her.
“I was thinking the same thing but thought you’d be busy.”
“Never too busy for you.”
Kathryn laughed. “Do you guys take lessons on what to say to a woman?”
“Well, I could be killed for sharing this, but in junior high they give guys a secret class on how to hit on girls,” he whispered.
Kathryn laughed again. “It seems as if you paid attention.”
“I got an ‘A.’” Nick said.
She giggled, “What do you suppose Coyle got? I wish there was a way to keep him from hassling every female on staff.”
Nick shared her laugh. “I bet Coyle was absent the day they held the class. Seriously, if he bothers you again, you let me know.”
“I don’t think he will. He upset Dr. Graydor again today. I usually take the x-rays to radiology and wait for the reports. He had Coyle do it and made him wait in the specimen room while we x-rayed the body.”
“Wow, being sent to the specimen room reminds me of when I would be sent to the cloak room when I goofed off in first grade.”
“You goofed off in school?” Kathryn asked surprised. “Not you. My image of you is destroyed.” She tried to quiet her laugh.
Nick regaled her with more of his childhood antics while she tossed her clothes in the dryer. An hour later both were talked out and tired.
They agreed to meet for lunch the next day barring any work issues, and Kathryn disconnected the call wishing she was with Nick.
She lay back on the couch and let her mind wander.
Three executions in three days will definitely have the police looking at a pattern. The three happened between Saturday and Monday. I need to skip three or four weekends and plan the next execution for later in the week. Maybe a Thursday night. That will give me time to spend with Nick and throw the police off. I had to skip Kevin for Greg, but his time will come soon.
Nick. Why couldn’t I see how wonderful he was earlier? I never thought I would feel this way again. James left me because I was too much trouble for him. Was I too needy? Maybe, but I was grieving. I need to share my past with Nick in detail and give him the chance to leave now instead of waiting a year the way James did. I’m not sure I can go through that kind of pain again.
Kathryn felt exhausted and forced herself off the couch and toward her bedroom. She dropped onto her bed and was asleep in minutes. Sleeping soundly until her alarm woke her, Kathryn’s dreams were filled with Nick and “anytime” enjoyment.
Chapter Eleven
Kathryn woke refreshed after a sound night’s sleep. She rolled over and stretched. Nick was the first thought to cross her mind, and it made her smile. Greg was the second thought, and she wondered when someone would find him. He could have been through the morgue last night and released to family, or he might still be lying on his kitchen floor. Whatever, Kathryn knew she’d find the answers soon. It was Tuesday, and she had a long work week ahead of her, but she also had a long break from executions. The break was necessary, and she planned on filling her time with Nick.
She threw her legs over the side of the bed and stretched again. Mumbling, “I didn’t realize I was so tired. It felt good to sleep soundly. Last time I slept like this I was with Nick, but we slept in several shifts.” She smiled and made her way to the kitch
Deciding she ate enough junk food last night, she made an egg white omelet and whole wheat toast with a thin layer of apple jelly. “After all,” she said, “a girl needs to enjoy life, too.” She bit into a piece of toast and added, “Just right.”
Her face scrunched when she looked at her brown hair in the bathroom mirror. Most of it had fallen out of the ponytail while she slept, and it looked more wrinkled than curly. The blonde highlights resembled lightning bolts instead of streaks. She worked a little leave in conditioner through her hair, pulled it back, and twisted it into a cute bun. She pulled a few hairs out to hang down in front of her ears and nodded. “You’ll do.”
~ * ~
Kathryn held her breath when the elevator doors opened. She had no idea what type of activity waited for her in the morgue. She breathed a sigh of relief when she saw the morgue was completely dark. Pressing the remote, the doors slid open and the lights turned on. She was alone, and it gave her time to dispose of the gloves from her three-day execution spree. After disposing of the red bag holding the gloves, she changed and walked back to her desk. A quick scan let her know the morgue was quiet all night. No Greg. That could change anytime, and she’d be ready.
It would be nice if someone found him already and I could tell Pam. It will happen soon, and she’ll know the kids are safer. Maybe I should wait until it hits the news. I can’t let anyone know I had any type of association with him. Yes, waiting is best.
Kathryn texted Nick.
“Morning handsome. Dinner my place tonight?”
A few minutes later, he texted back.
“Sure. What can I bring?”
She smiled.
“Just you!”
A smiley face and heart returned on her phone.
She slipped her phone into her pocket. The elevator ding announced Doc’s arrival.
“Good morning, Doc,” Kathryn said and smiled as the doors slid open.
“Morning, Kathryn.” He returned the smile. “All looks peaceful. Any bodies come in overnight?”
“No, sir. It must have been a quiet night.”
“Let’s hope the day is as quiet. We have had more than our share of bodies lately.”
“Amen to that,” she said as Dr. Graydor walked into his office.
The day dragged by slowly. Nick texted Kathryn and told her he couldn’t meet her for lunch. She frowned at his last text and walked to Doc’s office.
Knocking on the doorjamb, she asked, “Busy Doc?”
“Nope, need something?” He looked up from the stack of papers on his desk.
“Just wanted to share a bit of info from the hospital grapevine. If you need extra help, Coyle might not be available for a while during the day. Besides working weekends, his weekly shift has been changed to third shift.” Kathryn bit her lip and shrugged. “Not sure why, but I think he made someone else angry.”
“I know they were short on third, but they usually hire someone to train at night. You need to mess up bad to end up on third permanently. If anyone is capable, it’d be Coyle.” He laughed and shook his head.
The rest of the afternoon passed quietly, and Kathryn assumed no one had found Greg. Just before the end of her shift Nick texted and said he had to work a little late, but would be at her place at six.
Kathryn poked her head in Doc’s office and asked, “Need anything before I go?”
He shook his head.
Forcing back a smile, she added, “Rumor has it Coyle tried to hit on another nurse who turned out to be the new pediatrician. You were right; he messed up big time.” Kathryn could hear Doc laughing as she hurried into the locker room.
~ * ~
Kathryn knew Nick like Italian food, and since her love for Italian food was second only to chocolate, she was prepared. She had homemade meatballs in her freezer. She needed to thaw them and finish the browning in the oven, but they were ready. She also knew she had homemade pasta sauce in her freezer. A quick stop at the store for a box of spaghetti, a loaf of Italian bread, and fresh Mozzarella for cheese bread and she’d make a lovely dinner.
A voice grated on her nerves as she strolled through the grocery store. It was Joey Coyle.
Someone needs to put that man on a short leash; Kathryn thought as Joey rushed up to her and hung over her cart grinning.
“Looks like Italian tonight. Can I come? I’ll bring the wine.” He rested his elbows on the front of her cart and stared at her.
“I thought you worked third shift?” Kathryn snapped.
“Man’s gotta have a night off now and then. When’s dinner?” He stood, but didn’t move from in front of her cart.
“Get out of my way. It’s for Nick and me. I mean it Joey. Move.” She tried to maneuver the cart around him, but he gripped it with his hands.
“Don’t be like that, Kat. We could all have dinner together.”
She yanked the cart, but he held on and whispered. “We could have a threesome. I bet you’d like that. I’m pretty sure I could convince Nick.”
Kathryn raised her voice. “Do I need to scream for the manager and have him call the police? I swear Joey, I’ll take out a restraining order and then let’s see how well you can work if you can’t come near me.” She pushed the cart hard, and it hit him in the leg.
“Fine.” He growled. “Go home and eat dinner and get laid. Maybe you’ll mellow out.”
Kathryn felt her anger rise to the surface and heat her face. She walked around the cart and stared straight into Coyle’s eyes. Her eyes were cold and menacing. “You don’t want me for an enemy, trust me. Back off.”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever,” he mumbled as he hurried down the aisle away from her.
Satisfied, Kathryn smiled and continued her shopping. She needed to prepare a dessert, and it had to include whipped cream.
The fresh fruit caught her attention, and the display of fresh strawberries made her mouth water. She picked out a pint of the largest strawberries and headed for the bakery section. She didn’t have time to bake shortcakes, but she did have time to purchase a freshly baked pound cake from the bakery. Pound cake, sliced strawberries, and lots of whipped cream would make a sweet, romantic dessert.
~ * ~
Kathryn had everything under control in her kitchen when the doorbell rang. When she peeked out the window next to the door she could see Nick swinging a white bag and smiling at the world.
Either he really loves Italian food, or he’s happy to be here. I think he’s happy, Kathryn thought.
She opened the door, and before she could tell Nick to come in, he walked through the doorway and kissed her lightly on the lips.
“Hello to you, too. What’s in the bag?” She asked as she closed the door.
“Breakfast,” Nick said as he drew her in for a long, lingering kiss.
Kathryn pulled back a little and lay her head on his chest. She said quietly, “I was hoping we could snuggle and talk after dinner. I also need a good night’s sleep tonight.”
Nick lifted her chin with his hand. “Just because I brought donuts for breakfast doesn’t mean we have to make love. I can’t think of anything sweeter than holding you in my arms all night long.” He kissed the tip of her nose.
“I can do that,” she smiled. “Hungry? Dinner is about ready.”
“I sure am and I smell Italian. Yum,” he grinned at her and his dimples made her heart flutter.
She silently prayed he would understand and not walk away the way James did.
~ * ~
Nick devoured enough dinner for two, but he was well built and must work out at the gym Kathryn thought as he soaked up the last bit of sauce on his plate with a piece of cheese bread.
Nick leaned back in his chair and rubbed his stomach. “That was delicious. If you keep feeding me like this, I’ll have to go to the gym twice a day.”
I knew it, she thought. He works out everyday.
Kathryn asked, “You work out every day?” She smiled and shrugged her shoulders.
re do, before work if I can get there before they start PT. A few of us have permission to use the equipment before the staff comes in with patients. The hospital buys top of the line exercise equipment. It’s great.”
“I’ll bet. I like to jog before work and swim at the Y. I do some strength training, but I don’t want to end up with huge muscles.” She laughed.
“You won’t, if you do the right exercises. You need to meet me in the PT room some morning, and I’ll show you.”
“I’d like that,” she said as she stood and carried her dishes to the sink. She rinsed them off and placed them in the dishwasher. Nick stood right behind her and cleaned up his dishes.
She turned and asked, “Do you want dessert now?”
He blew out a big breath. “Let’s wait a while. I’m stuffed.”
She nodded, and he followed her into the living room. She settled on the couch, and he sat and snuggled next to her. He put his arm around her, and she dropped her head onto his shoulder.
“This is nice,” she murmured.
“Yes it is,” he agreed.
After several minutes, Kathryn sat up and turned to face Nick. She bit her lip while gathering her thoughts.
“What’s wrong?” Nick’s mouth twisted in concern. “Oh no, this can’t be a kiss-off dinner. You are too important to me for that.”
Kathryn shook her head back and forth rapidly and felt tears form in her eyes. When she looked at him, he grabbed her hands.
“Kathryn, if there is a problem, you can tell me. You can tell me anything. I promise to do my best to help and understand.”
She nodded and bit her lip again. “I need to tell you about my life.”
“You told me. I don’t need to know more. The past is behind us.” He held her hands tighter and smiled.
“I hope it is, but I’m worried. I told you about my teacher and the sexual abuse. I didn’t go deep into my feelings. You need to know before we get closer.” She stared into his eyes.
“Okay,” Nick responded. “You talk and I will listen. When you are through, I’ll talk if you want me to.”
“Deal,” Kathryn said. “Mr. Waters used my worst fears against me. Even my mom didn’t know it all. Not only did he tell me that if I told anyone what happened, my mom and sister would die the way my dad did, but he said dad’s death was my fault. He said it was a punishment because I was bad. Only bad girls did what I did with Mr. Waters. I was six and didn’t understand that he was the predator.” She pulled her hands away from Nick to wipe the tears from her cheeks.