Kathryn's Justice Read online

Page 7

  She wasn’t sure if her words registered in his brain before the bullet pushed its way through, but from the momentary panicked look on his face she felt sure he did.

  Kathryn wrapped the gun in the towel and slipped it back in her bag and picked up the plastic container. She walked over to his body and knew he must be dead. His legs bent under him, and he looked as if he collapsed like an accordion. There was enough blood and from the way Dr. Graydor explained the mushrooming effect of the bullets in the brain, if he did survive it wouldn’t be for long.

  Kathryn stared at him for a few minutes. She didn’t see any evidence of breathing and the hole kept oozing blood.

  She saw the blue eyes staring at the ceiling. The bright blue had been replaced by a dim blue haze. “Maybe you did hear me and felt a few moments of fear, but it is nothing compared to what you put that child through. This tiny corner of the world is safer tonight. When your death hits the news, that little girl will be able to reclaim her life.”

  She walked to the door and waved back into the empty apartment in case someone was watching and hurried outside and down the street to her car.

  The walk to her car helped her work off the adrenaline rush she felt after the execution. Coming face to face and arguing with a criminal was a first. It was an experience that she would expect in the future. One never knew what may happen.

  ~ * ~

  When Kathryn pulled into her garage and hit the door closure button, she took a deep breath. She drove home slowly meandering through different neighborhoods to be sure no one followed her car. Her encounter with David unnerved her a bit, but knowing she was home safe and sound calmed her.

  She hurried into the house and began her after execution routine. Clothes washing, gun cleaned and hidden away, and her body and hair freshly showered, she called Nick.

  “Hi, if it isn’t too late, I’ll stop by. I think we have time for a movie. You pick the movie; I’ll bring a snack. Great, see ya in a few.” She smiled as she broke the call. It was time to relax.

  There was a small Mexican restaurant almost exactly between her house and his apartment. Nick loved their food. A quick stop and she returned to her car with a bag of warm tortilla chips and a container of Queso cheese dip.

  Less than five minutes later she knocked on his door. Nick opened the door grinning from ear to ear. Kathryn held up the bag and returned his smile.

  “Chips from Manuel’s. The perfect woman,” Nick said.

  “And Queso dip,” Kathryn added.

  Nick took the bag, kissed her cheek, and held her hand drawing her into his apartment.

  “I hope you don’t mind, but I chose a great action movie. Lots of car races and good acting.”

  “What? No romantic chick flick,” she teased.

  “I don’t own any,” he dropped his shoulders, but his face brightened. “There’s always a little romance in most action movies.”

  “I was just teasing you, Nick. I like action movies,” she said as she watched him walk into his kitchen. He returned with the chips in a large plastic bowl and the Queso dip in its original container minus the lid.

  Typical guy Kathryn thought, but Nick is a sweetheart. We might have something together. I know he likes me a lot. I never thought I would feel the same way.

  They settled on the couch and talked while they shared the chips and dip Kathryn brought. The lunch with Pam and the kids and the two granola bars she ate before she left for her evening’s activities did little to quell the hunger she felt. Pleased she ordered the family size, she kept up with Nick nearly chip for chip.

  “I’m glad you decided to stop by this evening. I don’t think humans were meant to spend Saturday evenings alone,” he wiggled his eyebrows at her.

  Kathryn couldn’t keep from laughing. “I think you’re right. Spending the evening with someone else is much better than alone. It’s nice you have Saturday off. I know you work a lot of weekends.”

  “I’ll have more in the future. Coyle is on permanent weekends.” Nick shook his head.

  “Did someone report him for his latest “have I got a porn movie for you” line?”

  “You heard about that?” Nick asked

  Kathryn smiled and nodded.

  “Well, he pulled it on a nurse and she slapped him. It might have ended there, but she pushed past him into the hall. Just as he turned to follow and said, ‘come on baby, you’ll love it’ he came face to face with the head of Cardio, who had been listening.”

  Kathryn broke out in a fit of laughter. All the stress she had felt that evening left her as she pictured the look on Joey Coyle’s face as he tried to explain himself to the infamous Dr. Fox. He was beloved by his patients and those who worked with him unless they messed up or crossed the line. Then all hell would break loose.

  Nick patted her on the back, “Kathryn are you okay?”

  She laughed so hard tears poured down her face. She said a silent thankful prayer for waterproof mascara. She glanced up at him and nodded. “Coyle and Dr. Fox,” she sputtered. “I’d pay to have seen that.”

  Her laughter was contagious and Nick joined her. He took a deep breath and said, “I hope he’s on weekends forever. It gives me more time to study.”

  “Study? You’re taking classes?” Kathryn asked trying to slow her breathing and stop the laughter.

  He nodded, “Part time for the past three years. I don’t want to be an orderly forever. I’m studying nursing.”

  “That’s wonderful,” Kathryn said as she pulled her legs up onto the couch. She curled them under her and looked into his eyes. “I can help you study. I went to nursing school and nearly graduated.”

  His face grew serious, “Really, why didn’t you graduate. Did you flunk out?”

  Kathryn’s voice grew quiet. “No, my mom got cancer and I quit to take care of her. I was going to go back when she got better, but she died. We expected she’d survive. Then I was too broken up to go back. Studying to help people get well after losing mom seemed ludicrous to me. I married my college boyfriend, and that mistake lasted a year. I needed a job. I had enough medical experience, and Doc hired me. End of story.” She wiped another tear from her eyes.

  Nick threw his arms around her. “I’m so sorry about your mom, Kathryn. Your ex’s loss is my gain I hope. You’re here and no more tears.” He kissed her forehead.

  She smiled and said, “Let’s watch a movie.”

  He moved his left arm from around her body and reached for the remote. His right arm stayed on her shoulders. She was glad it was there. She snuggled against him and watched the movie.

  Halfway through the movie during an intense car chase, one of the vehicles hit gravel on the side of the road and began to flip bottom over top as it rolled down the hill.

  Kathryn gripped Nick’s shirt with both her hands and buried her face in his chest. His left arm wrapped around her, and he pulled her close.

  “You’re shaking, what’s wrong?”

  Kathryn mumbled into his shirt. “My dad died in a car accident when I was small.”

  “Damn, I’m batting a thousand tonight, aren’t I?” He loosened his arm, and she heard the TV turn off. Immediately his arm returned to holding her tight.

  She pulled her head away from his chest and looked into his eyes. “It’s okay. It was a long time ago. After talking about my mom and then that car wreck, I think it got to me. I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be sorry. Never apologize for having feelings or expressing them.” A small smile curled the sides of his lips.

  She returned his smile, and he leaned closer and kissed her. A soft gentle kiss that felt like butterflies had brushed past her. She let loose of his shirt fabric and slid her arms up around his neck. He drew closer and kissed her again. This kiss was deeper, but as she pulled him to her, his kiss grew hungrier and longer.

  Several minutes of passionate kisses made them both need a breath of air. He looked deep into her eyes. “Would you like to spend the night?”

s,” she whispered as she leaned against his chest again.

  He stood and held out his hand. She took it and followed him to his bedroom.

  ~ * ~

  Kathryn followed Nick into a room lit with one small lamp on the dresser. He stopped at the edge of the bed and kissed her until she needed to take a deep breath.

  “Are you sure?” He whispered.

  “Yes, I’m a big girl,” she looked into his eyes.

  He took her face in his hands and began to kiss her on the mouth and let his kisses trail down her neck.

  She slipped her hands under his shirt and ran them up and down his bare back.

  Nick pulled her shirt over her head and let it drop to the floor. His fingers found the clasp of her bra, and it landed somewhere near her shirt.

  She pulled on his shirt until the two of them managed to push it up and over his head.

  Kathryn sat on the edge of his bed and worked at the buckle of his belt.

  He laughed and unbuckled his belt and dropped his jeans to the floor. He gently pushed her back on the bed and helped her pull her jeans off.

  Nick’s lovemaking was slow and gentle taking Kathryn to a crescendo she didn’t think existed. He lay next to her trying to catch his breath as her mind wandered.

  This man is a magnificent lover on top of being one of the sweetest people I know. He’s been flirting with me for over a year. Why didn’t I pay attention until now? All that wasted time. No more wasted time.

  Nick’s breathing returned to normal, and Kathryn rolled over pressing her body on top of his and their passion grew until both fell into an exhausted sleep.

  ~ * ~

  Kathryn woke to sunlight streaming through the window. Nick was awake leaning on his elbow and looking at her.

  “Good morning, did you sleep well?” He grinned.

  “Yes, I did thank you.”

  He leaned over her and kissed her. When his hand reached under the sheet and found her breast, she whispered, “I like your idea of a morning in bed, but I’m starved. Do you have anything to eat or I may pass out from hunger from all the activity.”

  He leaped from the bed, “Don’t move. I’ll be right back.”

  She watched his naked backside rush out of the room and smiled. He returned in a few minutes with two large glasses of orange juice and a pile of cereal bars on a tray.

  “I wasn’t sure what you like, so I brought some of each. There are apple, blueberry, and strawberry cereal bars. Eat as many as you need to gain your strength back. If I knew you’d be staying, I would have gone to the store for decent breakfast food.” He smiled as he gulped down half his orange juice and tore open one of the cereal bar wrappers.

  Kathryn didn’t realize how hungry she was, but two cereal bars and a glass of juice helped chase her hunger away. Nick’s kiss made her forget about food. An hour later both were back to sleep.

  Kathryn opened her eyes and saw the time on Nick’s alarm clock read two o’clock. “My goodness,” she murmured, it’s nearly the middle of the afternoon. I’m hungry.”

  She thought she was losing her mind when she thought she smelled pizza. Kathryn rolled over and found a smiling Nick sitting on the bed with a pizza box.

  “Lunch in bed, better than breakfast in bed. Sleep well?” He wiggled his eyebrows.

  She pulled the sheet up and sat. “I’m starving. This is perfect.”

  He handed her a slice of pizza on a plate. “I aim to please.”

  “That you do,” she said as she bit into the pizza. “I can’t stay here until tomorrow. I do have something to take care of later.”

  “When do you have to leave,” he frowned.

  “Four,” she responded.

  “Great, plenty of time for pizza and dessert.”

  Kathryn blushed and felt her body heat up thinking about dessert.

  Chapter Nine

  Kathryn felt her heart tug in two directions when she slipped behind the wheel of her car and waved at Nick. He was watching and waving from the front stairs of his apartment building. The smile on his face turned into a frown, and she fought the feeling of rushing back into his arms. She hadn’t felt as safe as she had with Nick for much too long. If not for the threat of the evil she knew roamed the streets, she would be back in his arms forever.

  Soon she thought, and I can live a normal life and I hope it’s with Nick. He’s everything I’ve ever wanted in a man.

  Her feelings for him surprised her, and she knew he felt the same. She waved and fought the tears she felt build as she pulled away. She let anger take over. Eric was next on her list, and he and all the others made her life difficult. She could put part of her life on hold for a while until she took care of business. David last night and Eric tonight would keep the police busy. Then she would take another break by literally rolling the dice she had at home and counting the numbers to determine how many days until the next execution. The next would be a single. She thought it would throw off the pattern.

  “By then,” she murmured as she drove. “The police will try and find a pattern, but the fifth on my list will be allowed to live for at least three weeks. It will also give me enough time to look at the creep hanging around the playground. I could add him.” She smiled as she pulled into her garage and lowered the garage door.

  The most difficult part was waiting for the sun to set. She felt safer in the dark when she hunted. It would be ninety minutes until the sun set. Kathryn, still tired from her activity with Nick, lay on her couch and took a nap.

  ~ * ~

  Kathryn’s phone alarm woke her, and she was awake and alert. She sat up and stretched. No need for coffee. She felt the adrenaline rush thinking about her mission. It took her less than ten minutes to dress and head out the door. As she did before coming face to face with the men, she went over what she knew in her mind.

  Eric lived in a more upscale neighborhood than David. His four family building sat on a quiet residential side street. Kathryn had scouted the area for several days during daylight. She noticed no one used a key to enter the building. A non-security building was always the easiest to access. Her playground ploy worked well with David until he turned around, and she hoped it would get her into Eric’s apartment as well.

  Eric spent time in prison for having sex with a seventeen-year-old girl. He managed to get off on the charge that he abused the girl’s thirteen-year-old sister. The older girl was more convincing than her younger sister. She was “in love” with Eric and convinced a jury that her sister was jealous and lying. The younger sister’s injuries had healed by the time she told her mother and all the forensic evidence could prove was that the child was not a virgin. There wasn’t enough proof of Eric’s involvement. His prison time wasn’t nearly long enough for Kathryn and most members of society. There were protests and letters to the editor, but the law is the law.

  The kiddie porn found on the laptop in Eric’s apartment couldn’t be used against him since the laptop was also used by both of Eric’s roommates. When the police released the information about the shared computer, no one stepped forward to accuse either of the roommates of any crime. Everyone knew Eric was guilty, but the police couldn’t prove it conclusively. Kathryn initially took some comfort in the fact that he needed to register as a sex offender. However, when she had decided to begin executions, he was near the top of her list.

  Kathryn parked at the end of the block and walked back to Eric’s apartment. It was Sunday evening and people were enjoying their dinner or getting kids ready for school the next morning. Most windows had lights shining through closed drapes. She didn’t see anyone as she made her way down the sidewalk, up the stairs, and into Eric’s building. She knew he lived in one of the two back apartments. She knocked gently on the door of apartment #3.

  A tall man with a shock of red hair and dark brown eyes opened the door. It was Eric, Kathryn knew beyond a doubt. The predator awareness site had a good picture of him.

  “Hi, I’m Shelly,” she began as she had with Da
vid and proceeded to explain about the playground.

  “Yeah, sure. C’mon in. I know I have some change in here on my desk.” He smiled at her, and she felt her skin crawl.

  The building was old, but the updated apartment was attractive. It still had wide floorboards and arched doorways, but the kitchen appeared to be brand new.

  Eric popped around a corner with a hand full of change and dropped it in the can. He stood too close, and his eyes stared through her.

  She smiled and asked for a glass of water.

  “Sure thing, babe. You wanna sit down for a while and rest your feet?” He motioned to the sofa.

  “Thanks, that’d be nice,” she replied as she slid the gun out of her purse. Fortunately, Eric had a full-size refrigerator. He pulled a glass from the cabinet and when he stood after filling it, the side of his head was still in Kathryn’s sites.

  Her finger tightened on the trigger, and she pulled her finger back. Her hand was steady, and the bullet should have found its mark in Eric’s temple exactly where Kathryn wanted it. However, as she pulled the trigger, he straightened, turned suddenly, and she saw him grab his shoulder. She heard the glass hit the floor and watched him disappear behind the kitchen island. She stood quietly for a moment and listened.

  Not hearing anything, she slowly walked toward the kitchen. The gun was out in front of her ready to fire again if needed. She moved sideways around the island until Eric’s body came into sight. He lunged forward toward her feet and then stood.

  “What the hell do you think you’re doing? What kind of basket case are you?” Blood was running between his fingers as he held his shoulder.

  Damn! This is not my weekend. Kathryn thought. Except for Nick. Her mind began to wander back to last night, but she snapped back to now and the man standing in front of her. What is it with these guys? Why don’t they go down easy like Big Chuck?

  “You raped a girl and you like kiddie porn. You’re one sick person.” Kathryn said.

  “The kiddie porn wasn’t mine. The courts couldn’t prove I was guilty.” He reached for the counter to steady himself.