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Kathryn's Justice Page 15

  Kathryn sat at her desk to write a grocery list. She would stick to the list unless she wanted to absent-mindedly buy all of Nick’s favorites or whipped cream.

  I don’t think I’ll ever eat whipped cream again. Maybe I should get a cat. No, then I would end up with a dozen and be the crazy neighborhood cat lady. A cute dog that would be loyal and happy when I came home. We could go for walks or play at the dog park. Yes, a dog would work. I’m done with men.

  Kathryn wrote down three large exclamation marks on her grocery list. She mumbled, “Putting my thoughts on paper literally. Maybe I should write a book. I could, but no one would believe it.” She continued with her Saturday errands.

  ~ * ~

  Shopping and errands behind her, Kathryn smiled as she arrived home. She would enjoy a relaxing evening at home. After last night, she needed to relax, and she was looking forward to tomorrow. She noticed her home answering machine light blinking.

  “Must be Pam,” she said as she pressed the play button.

  Nick’s voice made her spin around and face the machine. Her heart began to race with excitement and then crashed as she heard his few words in a voice as cold as ice. “Bring my stuff to work Monday.”

  She resisted the urge to throw the machine or call him back and tell him to pick up his damn stuff, but she strode into the bedroom and tossed everything he brought over into his duffle bag. She dragged it out to her trunk and tossed it in. She’d leave it in the security office Monday morning.

  “Goodbye forever, Nick,” she said through tears as she slammed her trunk.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Kathryn stayed up late watching comedies. She decided against romance, sci-fi, and adventure. She needed pure comedy. Nick didn’t call or text, and she didn’t expect him to do either. She slept in knowing Pam would take the kids to church before lunch, and she was in no mood to listen to the preacher shout today. She might get up and tell him what she thought, but that would be a bad example in front of Connor and Leah. Although it was tempting, Kathryn decided to skip church and watch the morning news in bed.

  She arrived at Pam’s a little after noon carrying a white bag full of donut holes from the local donut place. Connor and Leah loved them, and there was never any fighting over what flavor to buy. Kathryn asked for a mix of flavors. The bag would make Pam smile, too. Kathryn made sure there were several cinnamon sugar donut holes for her.

  Pam opened the door.

  “Where’s my welcoming committee?” Kathryn asked.

  “New movie,” Pam glanced over her shoulder.

  “Hi kids,” Kathryn called out as she passed them on her way to the kitchen.

  “Hi, Aunt Katie,” they replied in unison without taking their eyes off the screen.

  Pam was smiling, and her eyes sparkled with excitement. “Sit, I have good news.”

  Kathryn sat, and Pam brought over two cups of tea.

  “Well?” Kathryn stared at her sister.

  “I get to quit my job and tell my jerky boss to jump in a lake. Actually, I tell him tomorrow over the phone. I’m quitting as of that moment.” Pam bounced in her chair. “I can’t believe I don’t have to put up with his obnoxious attitude and lecherous stares and comments any longer.”

  “That’s great news, but what happened?” Kathryn sipped her tea and watched Pam.

  “Roger wanted to expand the business for quite a while, but he needed to get a lot of his ducks in a row. He planned to be ready when Rob gets back. That’s still over two months giving him time to get back and settle into our life again.”

  “I know that Roger has always wanted to have Rob as a partner,” Kathryn said.

  “Yes,” Pam agreed. “His plans were given a big lift when he acquired the account of a new firm in town. He wished Rob was home now, but then he had a wonderful idea. I’m going to work in Rob’s place until he gets home. Full time, better pay, full benefits.” Pam grinned.

  “Of course,” You’re his daughter-in-law.”

  “I know,” Pam added. “Once Rob is ready to work full time, I have several options. I can quit and be a full-time stay at home mom or work part-time. Grace would still babysit. If I want to take the summer off and work when the kids go back to school, I can do that, too. Leah will be in full-day kindergarten this year. Roger said I could work their exact school schedule. We’d have the same days off and if one was sick, no problem. He wanted to offer this to me before Rob left, but he didn’t have the clients. Now he does.” Tears slipped down her cheeks.

  “Pam, I’m happy for you. You can quit that awful job. You have been a trooper for so long.” She hugged her sister.

  Pam stood to get lunch on the table and said, “Now if we can stop them from building that apartment building, things would be close to perfect.”

  Kathryn smiled, “Maybe we could get all the pedophiles to disappear or send them to the moon.”

  “Wouldn’t it be great if they all disappeared,” Pam said and then called the kids to the table.

  Kathryn thought, Don’t worry Pam, I’m doing what I’m able. They may not be on the moon, but they might be scared away. I will do all I can to change the minds of those who want to build the apartment building. If fear is added to the equation, maybe the building project will be abandoned.

  Kathryn spent the afternoon with Pam and the kids watching animated movies and eating donut holes. She explained about Nick and was grateful the kids didn’t ask why he wasn’t there.

  Pam whispered, “Just give him time. He’ll figure out what he wants, and that’s you. Men need time.”

  Kathryn answered, “If it were just him I wouldn’t worry, but it’s his mom. She actually looked disgusted when she asked me about my job. Then when I got home yesterday, there was a message from him on my house answering machine. He always calls my cell or texts. He knows my schedule and called when he knew I was doing errands. All he said is he wants his stuff back. It’s over, Pam.”

  Pam nodded. “Sorry, he seemed special.”

  Kathryn left before evening begging off Pam’s offer of dinner. She used the excuse she had chores to do before tomorrow.

  Anger grew in Kathryn during her drive home. Anger at Mr. Waters, anger that her mom died, anger that Pam is scared, anger that Nick didn’t care enough, and anger that there might be more pedophiles in the city. She would change that starting tonight. They would begin to understand. Tonight she would leave a message. If the police didn’t do something, she’d send one to the paper. Soon everyone would know pedophiles were not welcome.

  ~ * ~

  Kathryn had everything set up for the night’s execution. She didn’t have anything to do but change her clothes when she arrived home. An energy bar would have to do for dinner until she could stop for a real dinner afterward. All that remained was the note.

  In elementary school, Kathryn and her friends had taught themselves to print with their non-dominant hand. For Kathryn, it would be her left hand. They used the secret printing to pass notes the teachers couldn’t trace back to them. She hadn’t used the printing technique in years but practiced the previous week. It still looked like chicken scratch but was readable. She pulled out a commonly sold non-ruled index card. She printed:



  She smiled as she slipped the note in her pocket and hurried to her car.

  Christopher was on house arrest while they sorted out his case. His father was a big shot defense attorney. When Christopher punched the paperboy and accused him of snooping because the kid saw an image on the computer that shocked him, a neighbor called the police. The boy had a broken nose and Christopher was arrested. The boy explained he saw a naked picture of a girl on the computer. When the police investigated, they found the image was that of a teenager along with younger girls. A few were believed to be as young as seven. Christopher was usually high on booze or drugs and couldn’t hold a job. He swore he received the laptop from his father. His father said it was an old
laptop laying around his offices, and anyone could have had access. He paid Christopher’s exorbitant bail, and they released him with an ankle monitor. Everything she read lead her to believe he was into child porn and who knows what else. Each time the police cleared an employee at the law firm, the case grew stronger. Still, many worried his father would get him off or help him escape to a country without extradition. Kathryn would stop that nonsense tonight.

  She parked a block and a half from Christopher’s apartment building. As she walked down the street, she began her change into her Shelly persona, and she plastered her fake smile on her face.

  She knocked on the apartment door, and Christopher answered.

  “Hi, my name is Shelly,” Kathryn began and explained her collecting for the local playground renovations.

  “Sounds like a great project. C’mon in,” he held the door open, and Kathryn walked inside.

  In less than a heartbeat, his hand flew out, and his arm slammed against her chest knocking the wind out of her. A quick, hard push and she was on the floor. Before she could respond with any of the self-defense moves she knew, he was on top of her with her arms pinned above her head.

  “Isn’t it nice,” he growled as he nuzzled her neck. “A playmate came right to my door.”

  “Let me go,” she screamed.

  He laughed. “You can scream all you want. No one will hear you. The couple upstairs left on vacation Friday. I hate them. The wife’s a real bitch. She wants the landlord to kick me out just because I have to wear an ankle monitor. That’s discrimination. The old bat across the hall is nearly blind and deaf. She needs new hearing aids, I think. Didn’t you hear her TV blaring when you came in the building? The apartment above hers is empty. It’s just us sweetheart.”

  Kathryn’s mind began to race. I need to get out of here and kill him before he kills me. I never thought about what would happen if one of these men attacked me. He’s crazy. Think Kathryn, but remember the first rule. Stay calm.

  “Are you having fun yet?” He asked.

  “Not really. The floor is hard, and you’re a bit heavy,” Kathryn answered.

  “We’ll take care of that in a bit after you undress for me.”

  “Sure I can do that, but it’s hard to do it on the floor.”

  Keep him talking Kathryn. If he’s talking, there’s less chance he’ll hurt you. He has to let me go if he wants me to undress. The gun is in the bag, and I can get to it. I can do this.

  “Well, I’ll let you up in a bit. I think we should talk for a while. I don’t get much company.” He smiled at her, and she had to keep from gagging. His breath smelled of booze and something she couldn’t place. Some type of spicy food.

  “Okay, what would you like to talk about? Could you let my wrists go? They’re beginning to hurt.” She smiled at him swallowing the bile she felt rise in her throat.

  “Okay, I will, but if you hit me once you’ll be sorry. I’ll break your arms so you can’t use them. Do you understand?”

  “Yes,” she murmured.

  He loosened his grip, and she was able to bend her arms at the elbow.

  “Thanks, that feels much better,” she said hoping to sound sincere.

  He ran his finger down her cheek. “I don’t know what to do. I never had a playmate at home.”

  “Where do you usually find playmates? A nice looking man like you must be able to find a lot of women to bring home.”

  He smiled at her. “You think I’m good looking?”

  “Yes, and strong. I can barely move.”

  “I’ll let you move when we play my game. I’m just trying to figure out how to play at home. I usually play outside.”

  “We could go outside,” Kathryn said,

  “No, that won’t work. You’d scream. They all scream. At first they’re happy and obliging because they’re making money.”

  Kathryn swallowed, “You’re talking about prostitutes?”

  “Yup, hookers, baby. They come with me, but I never bring them back. I leave them out in the country. I doubt if anyone misses them.”

  “You make them walk back?” She asked hoping to keep him talking.

  “No, they can’t walk after I bury them.” He grinned again.

  Her sharp intake of breath startled Christopher.

  “Surprised, huh? You hear about hookers disappearing? Not just in the big cities near here, but across the state lines in all directions?” He stared into her eyes. His gray-blue eyes seemed to be turning an icy blue the more he spoke.

  “I think so,” she answered not sure if she remembered hearing any reports.

  “That was me. I buried them all. I can’t bury you. There’s no room here. I could put you in the garbage, but you’re too big. After we play maybe I’ll chop you up in the bathtub. That should work.”

  Okay, think hard. This man is obviously insane. Whether he killed all those women or not, he’s insane. Go along with him for as long as you can. The gun is still in your purse, and your purse is still across your shoulder. Get away from him, pull the gun, and shoot. It’s that easy and that hard.

  “Ready to play?” He asked.

  “What do we do?” Kathryn asked.

  “We need to get naked.” He climbed off her and helped her to her feet.

  She backed away from him.

  He smiled and said, “You stand there by the table where I can see you real good. The light’s better there. Start with your jacket and shirt.”

  He picked up a bottle of amber liquid and took a large swallow while she moved to where he suggested.

  “C’mon Shelly, unbutton your jacket. Let’s see what’s underneath.” His smile had turned into a leer.

  She unbuttoned the top button and said, “I need to take my purse off my neck. It’s in the way.”

  “Okay, sure,” he downed more booze.

  She slid her hand across the zipper and opened the bag. Before he had a chance to move, she reached into the bag, pulled the gun, and shot three times.

  He stood for a moment with his mouth wide. The bottle fell to the floor, and he collapsed.

  Her hand shook as she moved closer to see if he was alive. She held the gun in front of her as she approached his body. One bullet found a home in his abdomen and a second in the middle of his chest. The third, and the one she assumed took his life had severed the artery in his neck. She stood and watched it pump out his life’s blood. When the pumping stopped, she knew he was dead, but she didn’t know how long she had stood watching.

  Worried there might be some forensic evidence left behind because he attacked her, she decided not to leave the note. She felt it in her pocket. She stepped around the blood and looked out the peephole in the door. The hall appeared empty. She opened the door, remembered to wave her fingers in a fake goodbye, gripped the collection can, and hurried out the door and the building.

  Her knees felt like collapsing, but she kept moving until she was in her car. She drove to a nearby park and stopped in the parking area. She left the car running but turned off the car lights. When it was dark, she allowed herself to break down. She cried and screamed until her tension eased.

  Kathryn yelled in her car, “I swore I’d never be a victim again. I came close tonight. Never again. I need to be more careful. That man was a lunatic. I’m not sure if he was drunk or a murderer, but he’ll never rape another girl or woman. Neither will Andy. What kind of man rapes his thirteen-year-old babysitter and then pays her to be quiet? After six months, the poor girl thought it was normal. How his lawyer got the case thrown out on a technicality is beyond me. Technicality or not, tonight Andy’s victim receives justice.

  ~ * ~

  Kathryn took a few minutes to gather her wits and return her breathing to normal. She didn’t wear much makeup to executions, so she didn’t worry about mascara running down her cheeks. A quick check in the car’s visor mirror let her know she looked presentable. She felt the note in her pocket and reloaded her gun.

  She thought, if all goes well, I
’ll leave the note. The killings were committed with the same gun but are very different. If I can execute Andy with a single head shot, they may think there is more than one killer. A note left with a clean kill but not with Christopher will make everyone wonder.

  She smiled and pulled out of the park. A block from Andy’s apartment, she pulled over and stopped. “Why do they all live in apartments? Probably because they can’t afford a better place. Most of these buildings are old,” Kathryn mused aloud.

  Her schedule called for Andy’s execution later in the week, but her adrenaline was running high, and she needed to take care of these pedophiles as soon as possible. After Andy, she had two more on her list. The site Pam sent her didn’t list any new residents. Maybe word was getting around.

  She smiled and murmured, “Let’s hope it is.”

  Kathryn heard the TV coming from Andy’s apartment.

  He opened the door, and she began her explanation, but stopped when she recognized him. She’d seen him on the TV news during his court hearings. She also remembers him from the morgue. He had come down to identify his mother. Her autopsy report stated she collapsed during a news program about Andy. She had a heart attack.

  He committed statutory rape, and his actions killed his mother. Breathe before he realizes something is wrong.

  She smiled her best smile and continued her explanation.

  He returned her smile. They all do. He invited her in, and she was cautious.

  Andy noticed and said, “You appear a bit nervous. Are you okay?”

  “Yes, you just looked familiar for a moment, but I couldn’t place you. My mind took off thinking. I’m fine.” She smiled more.

  He brought a few coins and dropped them into the container.

  “Thanks for your help.”

  He nodded and walked over to the sofa and dropped onto it. The springs creaked under his weight. He ran his fingers through his hair and looked at Kathryn.

  “Everyone recognizes me. You probably saw me on TV. I can’t go anywhere. I even lost my job.”

  “Really, what happened? Are you a celebrity or famous for something?” Kathryn added some concern to her voice.