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Kathryn's Justice Page 13

  The afternoon was quiet, and she worked through lunch. Nick texted that he had to have lunch on the run, and Kathryn thought it would give her time to catch up on her work. Doc had been generous with breaks and long lunches lately, but it put her behind in her work.

  A text from Nick in the late afternoon brought a smile to her face. Evidentially, neither one of them was cooking tonight. He was hungry for burritos and tacos. They were going to Manuel’s. Kathryn knew he would come to her house after dinner. They were spending nearly every night together. When he didn’t have class, he came over after work. When he had class, he stopped by after class. She cared more about Nick than she let on.

  Face it Kathryn. You’re falling in love with him. Have I already fallen? I can’t imagine life without Nick. I love him, but am I in love? Maybe it is time for family input. I wonder if Nick will go to the zoo with Pam, the kids, and me on Saturday.

  She definitely enjoyed her break from executions and the time spent with Nick. Kathryn was pleased she made the decision not to rush into the next execution. If she hurries, she could make a mistake. She learned that lesson from Doc. Slow and steady wins the race and thinking twice before you act keeps errors at bay was his motto. He was the best coroner in several counties, and she learned a lot from him, but patience was the best lesson. Patience would help keep her safe.

  ~ * ~

  Kathryn and Nick only saw each other at work for the rest of the week. Nick had an exam Friday evening, and he told Kathryn he couldn’t study with her around. She distracted him. Doing her best to try and help him study, she texted questions to him at random times, and he needed to text back the correct answer quickly. She told him she would grade him on rapid response and correctness.

  Pam had insisted she bring Nick along to the zoo on Saturday.

  “I don’t know if he has plans. Besides Pam, isn’t it a little soon for him to meet my family?” She bit her lip waiting for Pam’s answer.

  Kathryn rolled her eyes and shook her head even though Pam couldn’t see her. She knew Pam would win the argument as soon as she brought up the word ‘worry.’ Pam was worried about her and wanted to be sure Nick was a nice person.

  “Okay, he’s going to call me after his exam and I’ll ask him to come to the zoo. You win. You always win. Sometimes being the little sister is a pain especially since we’re not kids. You should trust me.”

  Pam’s silence on the other end of the phone let Kathryn know she would say something but didn’t want to argue. Maybe something about James.

  “I said I’d ask. You can talk now. Okay, I’ll see you tomorrow. Love you, Pam.”

  Kathryn set the phone down and dropped back onto the couch cushions.

  Let’s hope Nick is up to an afternoon with Pam and the kids.

  When Nick called, he said he’d be thrilled to go to the zoo. As a matter of fact, he loved the zoo. Kathryn wasn’t sure how much of that was true, but if he was game, why not?

  Chapter Fifteen

  Nick picked Kathryn up a little before eleven Saturday morning.

  “Hi,” he said after he kissed her. “Is there a reason we have to get to the zoo at eleven on a Saturday morning?”

  “Lunch,” Kathryn replied.


  “Corn dogs and real homemade lemonade. There’s a sweet elderly man and his wife that makes fresh lemonade right before your eyes. Pam doesn’t like the kids to have a lot of sugary drinks, but this lemonade is good. They used to squeeze the lemons and sometimes limes by hand, but now that they’re older they use a machine. It’s still cool to watch,” Kathryn explained.

  “Hey, I remember them from when I was a kid,” Nick exclaimed. “My mom didn’t like me to have too much sugar either. It should be fun.”

  “I can imagine your mom hiding the sugar from you.” Kathryn laughed. “You have enough energy without it.”

  “She’s not so bad now. Wait until you meet her and my dad. They’ll love you.” He reached over and grabbed her hand,

  Meet his parents. Whoa, he’s moving fast, but then again I guess he thinks I am, too since we’re meeting Pam and the kids.

  Nick parked in front of Pam’s house so they could use Pam’s SUV and seat everyone comfortably.

  Kathryn rang the bell.

  She could hear Leah’s voice, “Mom, it's Aunt Katie. Come open the door.”

  Pam opened the door, and before anyone could say hello, Connor looked at Nick and asked, “Who are you?”

  Nick squatted down until he was eye to eye with Connor and said, “I’m Nick and a friend of your Aunt Katie’s.”

  Connor stared at Nick for several moments and said, “Okay.” Then he ran off.

  The adults laughed, and Kathryn introduced Pam and Nick.

  ~ * ~

  There was a routine for zoo day. Leah and Connor headed straight for the man in the wagon with the bright orange umbrella selling corn dogs. Then they headed to get their lemonade.

  Nick whispered, “I remember the couple, but I think it’s been over fifteen years since I’ve seen them. They’ve aged, and I can see how I have, too. Life goes by quickly.” He grabbed Kathryn’s hand and kissed it.

  Next in the routine was Connor and Leah trying to get Aunt Katie to buy them ice cream and cotton candy.

  “You know the rules,” Kathryn said. “First, we walk around for at least an hour and see the animals. Second, we go on the train ride while you decide which you want ice cream or cotton candy. You don’t get both. Third, if you’re good you’ll get your treat.” She smiled, and the kids frowned.

  Leah and Connor began arguing about what to see first. Leah wanted to see the baby elephant and Connor wanted to visit the snake house.

  Nick said, “No fighting, let’s flip a coin. Winner chooses where to go first. We have lots of time to see both.”

  Leah won the toss, and the kids took Nick’s hands as they headed toward the elephant exhibit.

  Pam stood watching and asked, “Did that man just walk off with my kids? They never looked back.”

  “Yeah, he did,” laughed Kathryn. “We better go save him before those two devour him. Nick has a big heart.”

  Pam laughed along with her sister, and they followed Nick and the kids.

  Ninety minutes later, Pam and Kathryn watched the kids get a drink of water with Nick at a water fountain next to the zoo’s train station.

  “Mom, Aunt Katie, are you coming on the train ride with Uncle Nick and us,” Connor asked.

  “Uncle Nick?” Kathryn asked.

  Nick pressed his lips together scrunched his eye browns, shrugged, and lifted his palms as he looked at Kathryn.

  “Yes, Aunt Katie, don’t you know about boys and girls?” Leah asked.

  Kathryn glanced at Pam and Pam’s eyes were open wide as she stared at Leah.

  Kathryn leaned forward and drummed her fingers on her knees. “Maybe not, Leah. Why don’t you tell me?”

  Leah blew out a breath and put her hands on her hips. “Boys and girls are always together, Aunt Katie. Look at me and Connor. He’s a boy, and I’m a girl. Mommy and daddy are a girl and a boy. You are a girl and an aunt. Nick is a boy, so he’s an uncle. He’s our friend, so he’s our uncle. Can we go on the train ride now?”

  Kathryn bit her tongue to keep from laughing. Nick looked relieved and said, “You and Pam rest. I’ll take them.”

  The three hurried to the train and waved as the small train began its trek around the zoo.

  Pam leaned back on the bench and let her shoulders slump. “That was close. I never know what those kids are going to say.”

  “Poor Nick, he looked like he was going to die on the spot.” Kathryn chuckled.

  “Between you and me,” Pam said, “Is there any chance he’ll be Uncle Nick for real at some point?”

  Kathryn leaned back and turned her head toward Pam. “I don’t know. We spend a lot of time together and yes, that means a lot of nights. I care about him deeply. It’s different from what I felt for James.
I miss him when he’s not with me, and I’m happier just hearing his voice. I was worried he might leave me the way James did so I told him everything. He understood, Pam. He held me, and we talked.”

  “You told him everything?” Pam questioned.

  “Yes, from Mr. Waters to my guilt to mom’s death to James leaving and everything in-between. He knows about the panic attacks, my fears people will leave the way James did, and my other lame insecurities. He says that’s in the past, and if it comes up again we’ll deal with it together.”

  “Hmm,” Pam murmured. “He might be the one. I can see a difference in you. There’s a sparkle in your eyes, and you’re happier.”

  “Yes, I am. He does make me happy.”

  The train ride was over. Leah and Connor ran up to them, and Connor said, “Uncle Nick is really smart. He said we could have both desserts just like he and his cousin did when they were boys.”

  Pam’s eyes flashed at Kathryn.

  Kathryn asked, “You know you can’t have two desserts.”

  “Yes, we can and we won’t fight. We’re going to buy one of each dessert and share. Leah will share my ice cream, and I’ll share her cotton candy. Isn’t Uncle Nick smart?”

  Nick stood and grinned at Kathryn before the kids dragged him off to the dessert cart.

  “Two desserts,” Kathryn whispered. “Why didn’t we think of that?”

  “I don’t know,” Pam replied. “But I think Nick’s a keeper.”

  Kathryn agreed and smiled.

  ~ * ~

  Nick spent the rest of Saturday and Saturday night with Kathryn.

  Lying in bed after an extremely fulfilling hour of love making, Kathryn whispered, “I’m sorry if the kids embarrassed you today.”

  Nick buried his face in her neck and whispered back, “I enjoyed my afternoon with them and if they want to call me uncle then its fine with me.”

  Kathryn shivered and pulled the sheet up around her and said, “I’m glad you don’t mind, but if they call you uncle they might get too close to you. If or when you leave…”

  He looked at her and cupped her cheek in his hand, “You’re afraid I’ll leave and hurt the kids and you. Kathryn, I have no plans to leave. We have been friends at work for a long time. It was a great way to base a relationship.”

  “A relationship? We’re in a relationship, and you’re not ready to run. I’m not used to this. I always lose people.”

  “You won’t lose me. I have cared for you for nearly as long as we’ve been friends. This time together has proved to me I wasn’t wrong about you. I’m not going anywhere. I love you, Kathryn,” Nick whispered and drew her close to him.

  Kathryn couldn’t stop the tears from running down her cheeks.

  “You’re crying. I scared you that bad?” Nick blurted and grinned.

  Kathryn began to laugh and cry at the same time. “No, I’m happy. I love you, too. I was afraid to admit it—afraid of getting hurt again.”

  Nick wrapped his arms around her and pulled her on top of him. “I can’t promise you that you might never feel hurt. People in love can hurt each other at times, but I can promise I’ll never intentionally hurt you. I also promise to be here for as long as you want me.”

  “Always,” Kathryn murmured.

  Morning found them entwined in each other’s arms and ignoring the clock. It was Sunday, and both had the day off.

  ~ * ~

  Kathryn’s phone woke them. “It’s Pam,” Kathryn whispered to Nick.

  “Hi, Pam. What’s up? You’re calling early. Sure, what channel?” Kathryn grabbed for the remote on her bedside table and turned on the TV and found the proper channel. “What am I watching? Really? I’ll call you after.”

  “Something wrong?” Nick asked.

  “Not sure, Pam said there’s a debate about building an apartment building in the city to house pedophiles.” Kathryn turned the volume up.

  They sat on Kathryn’s bed and listened to two men debate whether or not an abandoned warehouse at the edge of the city and part of the small industrial complex should be turned into a building with a dozen one bedroom apartments.

  “Ugh,” Kathryn murmured and rubbed her forehead.

  She thought I can’t believe they want to move more pedophiles into the area while I am trying to rid the city of them. Maybe the police and news people haven’t figured out a pattern. They may need some help. I could leave little notes and send something to the news station after I finish the next round of executions. I still have three possibly four on my list. I’m still waiting another ten days before the next one, but then one, two, three, they’ll be gone. If it makes the news, maybe others will be too afraid to move into those apartments if they even build them. I sure would hate to have to blow it up while it’s under construction especially since I have no idea how to use explosives.

  Kathryn turned the TV off, and Nick said, “I don’t care if the location meets the city’s restrictions. Most people have cars, and that warehouse is close to the highway. They can get anywhere quickly. Plus, I’m not sure it’s a good idea to house twelve people with similar predilections in the same building. They’ll be playing poker exchanging images or ideas instead of money. It makes me angry.”

  “That thought gives me the creeps. I’m sure there will be city council meetings before any of this happens. You should go and state that idea. You have an honest face and people listen to you.” She hugged him tight.

  “Thanks, but what also bothers me is that I live within two blocks of that warehouse. I have neighbors with children. I could never have you visit with Leah and Connor and feel safe. I can’t afford to move right now. I’d be stuck.” Nick blew out a breath.

  “You could live with me,” Kathryn murmured.

  Nick pulled her back from him. “Kathryn Wright, did you just ask me to live with you?”

  Oh my God, I did didn’t I? I like the idea, but I can’t continue my executions if Nick is here. Think Kathryn think. After the next four executions you planned to quit or at least take a very long break. Months most likely. You’d work it out. He just can’t move in until after the last execution.

  She looked at Nick, smiled, and nodded.

  “Then why do you look like a deer caught in my headlights?” He scrunched his eyebrows when he looked at her.

  “I was thinking out loud. Nick, we just said I love you to each other last night. I don’t want to sound needy. You probably have a lease, and maybe you’re not ready to live with someone. I’m sorry I put you on the spot.”

  Nick began to laugh. “You didn’t put me on the spot. I would have stayed here forever after our first night together. I was already falling in love with you. I’m the one that sounds needy. My lease is up in two months. I can move anytime and pay the rent off or wait until the lease is up. You’re the most important person in my life. We’ll talk about it. We spend nearly every night together so your house, my place is the same.” He kissed the tip of her nose, and she began to laugh.

  The phone rang. “I bet that’s Pam,” she said. “I told her I’d call her back.”

  After a lengthy conversation with Pam about what could be done to stop the apartment building plans, Kathryn dropped back onto the bed.

  “Pam is worried about this and has joined the neighborhood watch group that first listed the guy from the park. I think it will help her keep busy. The closer it gets to Rob coming home the more nervous she gets.”

  “Will he have to go back?” Nick asked laying down next to her.

  “No, this is his last deployment and he’s getting out. He’s going to work with his dad. His dad has an accounting firm, and Rob’s an accountant. I think his dad is more excited than Rob.” She turned to look at Nick and smiled when she saw his eyes. They always brought her happiness.

  “Isn’t Pam an accountant, too? Why isn’t she working for his dad while he’s gone?” Nick asked while nibbling on her neck.

  Kathryn giggled. “Stop that, it tickles. Pam is too independent plu
s Roger’s firm isn’t big enough right now. He has plans for expansion. She wanted to make her own way while Rob is gone. Her boss is an ass. I wished she worked with Roger. Once Rob is home, she’ll be a stay at home mom unless she wants to work part time while the kids are in school. Leah starts kindergarten in the fall. I feel so old. They’re growing so fast,” Kathryn sighed.

  “You could have your own,” Nick stated.

  “What, me kids?” Kathryn shot him a look of confusion. “Is that a ‘do you want kids question’?”

  Nick paled. “No, no, not us, not now. I just wondered because you’re so good with Leah and Connor. Maybe later, umm.” He dropped his face into the pillow and mumbled, “I think I need coffee.”

  Kathryn laughed and reached for him under the sheet. Three hours later they woke from their morning nap hungry for lunch.

  Over sandwiches and soup, they discussed their upcoming week.

  “I have a week off from class,” Nick said. “Providing I passed the exam, I’ll be starting the next phase of classes in a week.”

  “You passed with flying colors, I bet,” Kathryn smiled as she bit into her sandwich.

  “Fortunately, the classes run all year and rotate so there is always one I need available. A year from now, I’ll graduate.” His smile broadened at the thought of graduation.

  “I’ll be right there applauding louder than anyone,” she smiled back.

  “Next to my mom. She said she’s going to yell really loud.”

  “Of course, she is. I’ll be quiet and let her enjoy the day.”

  Nick declared, “What? You’ll be sitting right there with mom and dad.”

  “Oh no, that’s a big day for parents.”

  “And the woman I love,” he added. “Speaking of which, you have to meet my folks before I move in here. Maybe this week. I’ll call mom.”

  “Meet your parents?” Kathryn stammered. “Are they ready for that? What will they think?”

  “They’ll think it’s about time. The last girl I brought home to meet them came with her parents. She was my high school prom date.” Nick scrunched his eyebrows and looked at his plate.