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Kathryn's Justice Page 11
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Page 11
She didn’t know how to answer and pushed a fork full of salad into her mouth. She just smiled at him, and he laughed.
“Don’t worry, Kathryn. Whipped cream can be fun.”
They ate lunch in silence while flirting with their eyes. She had no idea what kind of fun Nick had in mind, but she was excited to find out. She was beginning to care about him more. She felt it was closer to love, real love. It felt stronger each day. Could someone fall in real love this quickly? She had known James for nearly three years before they married, and it didn’t work, but Nick knew her past and was still here. With whipped cream. She felt her body heat at the thought.
When lunch was over he whispered, “Are you going to let me spend the night?”
“I suppose if whipped cream is involved you may be too exhausted to go home.” She smiled at him.
“Then I may be a little late. After I buy dessert, I have to stop and get a change of clothes. I can’t wear the same ones in to work tomorrow again.”
Kathryn laughed and nearly choked on her tea. “No, people will get strange ideas.”
He kissed her and quickly took off. Just as quickly, her friend Karla dropped into an empty chair.
“Is it true, is Coyle suspended because of what he did with a deceased victim’s sister? The woman was screaming something about being abused by a guy from the hospital. Rumor has it she and her hubby might sue.” She placed her arms on the table and leaned toward Kathryn.
“All I know is Coyle tried to hit on her with his movie spiel. Coyle and her husband got into a fight and the couple ended up in the E.R. If they sue; the hospital may fire Coyle. We couldn’t be that lucky.” Kathryn shrugged.
“Wow, “Karla said. “Coyle hit an all-time low. Gotta get back to work, but I thought you might know something because Dr. Graydor signed the employee transgression slip.”
“Talk later,” Kathryn called after her friend.
~ * ~
Kathryn hoped the afternoon would pass quickly. She was a bit tired from waking early and starting early, but she was more excited to spend some time with Nick.
The elevator chimed, and Kathryn looked up to see a beautiful young blonde woman shuffle off the elevator leaning on the arm of a thin, handsome man with a large bandage on his nose. She didn’t have to guess, she knew this must be Greg’s sister and brother-in-law. Kathryn had dealt with family before, but never alone. Doc usually sat in his office letting her learn the ropes. Doc was in a meeting and couldn’t be disturbed. She could do this.
Kathryn walked out of the morgue to speak with them in the hall.
She held out her hand, “Hello, my name is Kathryn. I’m Dr. Graydor’s assistant. May I help you?”
The man said, “My wife’s brother is here. He would have been brought in this morning.”
“His name is Gregory Hadden,” the young woman mumbled through her tears.
Kathryn nodded, “Mr. Haddon is here, but from what I understand you identified him at his apartment this morning. You don’t need to be here. You can see him at the funeral home. It will be easier.”
The young woman whipped her head back and forth violently, her blonde hair covering her face and soaking up the tears streaming down her face. “No, I can’t. He wanted to be cremated.” She leaned against her husband and broke into more sobs.
The man spoke softly to Kathryn, “Is it possible for her to see him now and here? She is traumatized by the memory of all the blood this morning.”
Kathryn nodded but added, “The funeral home will allow her to see him before the cremation. It might be easier for her.”
The man whispered, “I know, but she’s terrified they’ll cremate him before we get there.”
“I understand,” Kathryn said. “Please take a seat, and I’ll speak to you when I’m ready.”
The man mouthed, “Thank you.” He guided the still sobbing woman to the chairs near the morgue entrance.
Kathryn hurried back into the morgue and twisted the blinds closed the way she would if an autopsy or other procedure was taking place. She had been there for body identifications before, but never with someone as distraught as the young woman. Her heart broke for the young woman’s sadness, but not her loss. She had no idea how evil her brother was. She pulled Greg’s body out of a cooler drawer and placed him on a stainless steel table. She opened the clear plastic bag to allow his face to be seen. She covered his body with a sheet taking care that when she pulled the sheet back to expose his face that none of the plastic was visible. She wheeled the table to the window making sure it was placed with the bullet wound away from the couple’s line of sight.
Before twisting the blinds open, she whispered to Greg, “There’s a lovely girl out there grieving over you. Even dead you cause pain. Why did you have to be so evil?”
Kathryn pulled the blind up and spoke through the intercom. “Mr. Haddon is ready.”
The couple walked up to the window, and Kathryn pulled the sheet back from Greg’s face. The young woman nearly collapsed, but she regained her composure and stood with her palms against the window.
She screamed, “Don’t worry, Greg, the detective promised me they’ll find your murderer. I won’t let him forget that promise. We’ll find the heinous person who did this and put them away forever. I love you.”
She collapsed to the floor.
Kathryn pulled down the blind, covered Greg’s face, and hurried out to help. The husband had his wife back on her feet, but she was still shaking.
Kathryn called to him. “Hang on, I’ll get you a wheelchair.” She disappeared around the corner and returned with a wheelchair moments later.
The husband picked his wife up and set her in the chair. He was trying to sooth her when Dr. Graydor stepped off the elevator.
He strode to the young couple offering his assistance. The husband thanked him and explained the situation and his gratefulness to Kathryn for her help and kindness. He pushed the wheelchair onto the elevator, and Kathryn entered the morgue to return Greg’s body to his cooler drawer.
The young woman’s words stuck in her head. Murderer. She was not a murderer; she was an executioner. A heinous person. Maybe in the grieving woman’s opinion, but Kathryn disagreed, and that’s what mattered.
She heard the cooler door click and turned to see Doc watching her. He smiled.
“I heard what you did for that young woman. Your compassion shines in all you do here. The nursing field’s loss was our gain. I have no qualms leaving you in charge anytime I’m not here. Keep up the good work.” He patted her shoulder as he walked past to his office.
Kathryn tossed her surgical gloves in the bin and sat at her desk.
She thought, Doc think’s I’m compassionate. That means more than the hysterical ramblings of a grieving young woman. Things are working out perfectly.
Doc called from his office. “The funeral home will be here shortly for Mr. Haddon. I still have paperwork to do. I’ll take care of it. You came in early. Go home, have a nice night.”
“Thanks, sir. I will. You, too,” she said as she hurried to shower and change.
On her way to the parking garage, she texted Nick.
“Doc sprung me early. I’ll be home whenever you get there.”
She added a smiley face and just before she pressed “send” she added a pink heart.
Chapter Thirteen
When the doorbell rang, Kathryn peeked out to see Nick on the porch holding a duffel bag in one hand and a small pink bakery box in the other. She couldn’t help smiling at the sight of the handsome sandy blonde haired man bringing what he promised, a chocolate cake. She opened the door and said, “You keep your promises.”
“Yes, I do,” he said holding up the box. “Here’s our chocolate cake.” Then he lifted the duffel bag and added, “Clean clothes.”
“C’mon in.” She held the door open, and he walked in dropping his duffel on the way to the kitchen.
After placing the box on the counter, he picked her up and s
pun her around the kitchen. He kissed her before he set her back down. “You make me happy.”
She snuggled into his chest and answered, “You make me happy, too.”
“I’m hungry,” Nick murmured. “Let’s make dinner.”
“Sure, but it won’t be long. We’ll microwave the leftover spaghetti and make fresh cheese bread in the oven,” she said as she headed toward the kitchen.
Kathryn placed the bread in the oven, and Nick turned on the microwave.
“Hmm,” he said. “What about the whipped cream?”
“It’s a bit much, but you can put it on your cake.”
“I have a better idea.” He turned her around to face him. “First, you have to take your clothes off and lay down on the bed. Then I’ll take the can and start right here.” He touched a spot just below her collar bone. “I squirt the whipped cream in a line to about here.” He touched the spot between her breasts. “Then I’ll begin making circular motions with the cream…”
“Stop right there,” Kathryn said. “Are you serious? Are you crazy?” She began to laugh. “I’ll be all sticky and so will my bed.”
“No, I’ll lick it all off.” He stood and grinned.
Kathryn could only stare at Nick and laugh. Through her giggles, she asked, “This is what you like to do? Nick, you never seemed the type to me.”
“I’m not,” he stammered. “I’ve never done that in my life, but after all the joking last night I thought maybe you…umm…” He joined her in laughter.
She glanced at the ceiling and sighed. “I think we need to communicate better.”
“I thought we did, at least we do in the bedroom.” He pulled her close.
“Yes, we do, but it’s without props.”
“True, okay no more kinky ideas unless we discuss them completely.” He looked down and scrunched his eyes.
“I agree.”
The microwave timer chimed, and she added, “Time to eat. Next whipped cream discussion is after dinner with chocolate cake.” She giggled while checking the bread.
He followed her trying to nibble her neck as she walked.
~ * ~
They settled on the couch after placing the dinner dishes in the dishwasher. Nick complained that he was going to burst, and it was Kathryn’s fault for letting him eat the last piece of cheese bread.
“Letting you?” She asked. “You would have taken off my hand if I had reached for it first. It’s a good thing we have cake for later. You should pick out a movie. I don’t want to pick out one that’s too feminine.”
Nick stood and stretched. When he bent over to check out the movies in Kathryn’s entertainment center, he held his stomach and groaned. “I really ate too much bread. Hey, most of these movies are kid’s movies.”
“I have a young niece and nephew. They come over often, and I like to surprise them with new movies. Don’t you like my collection?”
“Ahh,” he said. “Sci-fi adventure works.” He popped it into the DVD player and was about ready to plop down next to Kathryn when the doorbell rang. “I’m up, want me to get it?”
“Sure, no one I know comes over after dinner without calling. It’s probably some pest selling something.” She called over her shoulder.
He answered, “It’s a bigger pest, its Coyle.”
Kathryn groaned. “I wonder what he wants. Doesn’t he have any boundaries? He’s never been here before. You can ask him and tell him to go home.”
Nick spoke to Coyle for a few minutes and said to Kathryn, “He said he needs to talk to us.”
Kathryn placed her elbow on the arm of the couch and dropped her head into her hand. She sighed and said, “Okay, but he can’t stay long.”
Coyle walked in, mumbled hello, and dropped into a chair across from Kathryn’s couch.
Nick asked, “What’s up?”
“You have to help me,” Coyle insisted. “I can’t afford a two-week suspension and I know it was Dr. Graydor who wrote me up.”
Kathryn snapped, “You hit on a murder victim’s sister and broke her husband’s nose. I met them when they came to view the body. They’re a nice, young couple. Did you lose your mind?”
“You don’t understand. I felt sorry for her. She needed help,” Coyle countered.
“Then you should have called a paramedic. They were there. You don’t offer X-rated movies and promises of hot, wild sex to a grieving woman. They should neuter you for your own good,” Kathryn spat.
Nick stifled a laugh.
Coyle’s hands dropped into his lap, and he looked at Nick. “Rand’s girlfriend won’t let me talk to him either. C’mon Nick, we’re friends. Someone has to convince Doc to change his mind. Can’t you help me convince Kat to talk to him?”
“Stop calling me Kat.” She sat back and crossed her arms.
“I can’t afford my bills and mortgage damn it. What am I going to do?” Coyle whimpered.
Sell some of your vast gun collection Mr. Pervert. If you can afford the videos, you can afford to pay your bills. He drives me crazy, and I swear if I ever need to dump my gun, I’m hiding it at Coyle’s, Kathryn thought as she gazed across the room away from Nick.
Nick spoke first, “Kathryn is not going to put her job on the line to save yours. You got what you deserved. The hospital may be sued. Then you’ll really be in trouble. What about that huge gun collection. Sell a couple and pay your bills until you get back to work.”
Perfect suggestion, Nick. Glad you brought it up. I don’t want to act as if I know much about his guns.
“That’s an idea,” Kathryn agreed.
Coyle dropped his head into his head and said, “I can’t. Most of the guns I bought illegally and they’re unregistered. The few I could sell my grandfather gave me, and if I sell them he’ll write me out of his will. He’s getting up there, and he’s well off. I can’t take the chance.”
Is he for real? He’s suspended, broke, and worried his old grandpa might die and not leave him anything. He needs help, but he’s also the perfect person to help me hide my gun without knowing it. Kathryn tried not to smile.
Kathryn’s curiosity got the better of her, and she asked, “Why do you want unregistered guns and where are you getting them? Aren’t you afraid of going to jail?”
“Nah,” Coyle responded. “I have friends. I put out the word what kind of gun I need to add to my collection, and someone meets me in the hospital parking garage, and I get it.”
“You are crazy. You can’t buy guns in the hospital parking garage. It’s illegal.” Kathryn yelled.
Coyle jumped to his feet and began to pace. “No, we have conceal and carry laws here. Remember?” Coyle stared at her as he walked past continuing to pace.
“Not in the hospital. There are rules, laws. Some places won’t allow them like hospitals, churches, movie theaters, and wherever the owner puts up a sign. There is a sign outside every hospital entrance. Besides, you’re buying unregistered guns; that’s illegal.”
Nick asked, “How can you afford guns if you can’t afford food?”
Coyle shrugged, “We work it out. Hey, speaking of food, I smell something. It’s probably too late for dinner, but do you have leftovers?”
Kathryn glared at him and said, “We ate the leftovers.”
“Oh,” Coyle’s face fell.
Nick stood. “I can make you a sandwich.”
Kathryn thought, please hurry Nick. Do something to get him out of here.
He turned to look at Kathryn. “You know, my grandma has jewelry that she never wears. She’s saving it for my mom, aunt, and the grand girls when she dies. I could borrow a piece or two and hock it. I’d get it back before she knows it’s gone.”
Kathryn blew out a loud breath. Coyle dropped into a chair when Nick brought him a sandwich. Coyle took a huge bite and mumbled while he chewed. “When my mom and dad got divorced, she kept the engagement ring. It’s got a beauty of a diamond in it. She always says if she ever has an emergency, it’d come in handy. It is an emergency. I
know where she keeps it. Do you think it would be okay if I hocked it instead of grandma’s stuff?”
The anger in Kathryn’s eyes flashed, and Coyle stood sandwich in hand. “I gotta run, thanks for the sandwich and talk.” He was out of the house in less than two heartbeats.
Nick sat back down next to Kathryn and asked, “You ok? I thought you were going to throttle him.”
“I felt like it. He’s a real maniac. I thought he was just a pervert hitting on nurses. He buys illegal guns at work and wants to steal from his grandma. Who does that? I don’t even want to think what he does in lieu of paying for those guns.”
Nick laughed, “Maybe he stars in a few of those movies he likes.”
“Eww. You filled my mind with awful images. I need chocolate cake now.”
“With whipped cream?”
“With lots of whipped cream,” Kathryn replied.
~ * ~
They filled up on chocolate cake and whipped cream and watched the sci-fi movie before tumbling into bed too tired for anything except sleep.
Kathryn thrashed and mumbled loud enough to wake Nick. She woke as soon as he grabbed her shoulders and asked if she were okay. The tears that Kathryn cried during her nightmare continued to fall as she buried her head in Nick’s chest.
“What’s wrong? Did you have a nightmare?” Nick asked.
“Yes,” she whispered. More words escaped her.
“Do you want to talk about it?” he asked gently.
“No,” she murmured holding onto him.
How can I explain my nightmare? Nick would know my secret. How can I tell him I saw Greg’s sister holding her hands up the way she did when she looked through the glass, but this time they dripped blood. It was Greg’s blood. She screamed at me that I was a heinous murderer, and she was going to strangle me with Greg’s blood. She shuddered at the memory of the dream and Nick pulled her closer.
No, no, no, I’m not a murderer. Why did I have this nightmare? Am I a murderer? No, I’m an executioner. Why was James in my nightmare pushing me closer to the woman yelling that he always knew I was crazy? I’m not crazy. James was yelling I’m guilty. Am I guilty? Is this nightmare a result of my talk with Nick about my past or is it my conscience? Heaven help me; I don’t know.